Remodeling can be one of the greatest investments you make in your home. It is important to protect that investment by making wise decisions and when it comes to hiring and working with a remodeler.
Below are some helpful resources that can help you make the most of your remodel project:
- To find a professional remodeler in your area, contact your local Home Builders Association.
- To verify that your remodeler is licensed by the Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board as required by law, visit the HBLB website.
- Get design inspiration for your remodel from the winning projects in the Alabama Remodeling Excellence Awards competition.
- Check out our Instagram for additional project ideas.
- Thinking about Home Remodeling? Start Here.
- Why Hire a Professional Home Remodeler?
- Checklist for Finding and Hiring a Builder or Remodeler
- Tips for Preventing Home Repair Fraud
- How to Live with Your Remodeling Project
- What is Universal Design?